Case Converter

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Case Type

What is a Pascal Case Converter Tool?

A Pascal case converter capitalizes the first letter of each word and removes spaces or delimiters, resulting in a continuous string of capitalized words. This format is frequently used in programming for naming classes and functions, such as "ExampleVariableName."

Difference Between Pascal and Camel Case:

The main difference between Pascal's case and camel case lies in the capitalization of the initial letter:

Pascal case: In Pascal's case, the first letter of each word is capitalized, including the very first word. This results in a continuous string where each word starts with an uppercase letter. Example: "ExampleVariableName".

Camel case: In camel case, the first letter of the initial word is lowercase, while the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized. This creates a continuous string with a lowercase initial letter. Example: "exampleVariableName".

In summary, the Pascal case starts each word with a capital letter, whereas camel case starts the first word with a lowercase letter and capitalizes subsequent words.