Case Converter

Enter your text below to convert case:

Case Type

What is Toggle Text case Tool?

A toggle text case tool alternates the case of each letter in the text, starting with either uppercase or lowercase. This conversion can add a unique and playful appearance to the text.


How toggle text tool different from the Invert text case tool?

Invert text case: An invert text case tool swaps the case of each letter in the input text. All uppercase letters are converted to lowercase, and all lowercase letters are converted to uppercase. For example, "Hello World" becomes "hELLO wORLD".

Toggle text case: A toggle text case tool alternates the case of each letter in the input text starting from a specified initial case. Typically, it starts with either an uppercase or lowercase letter and then switches for each subsequent letter. For example, starting with uppercase: "Hello World" becomes "HeLlO WoRlD".